PGM Soyalan also drew attention to the problems of the police organization at the press conference.

PGM Ahmet Soyalan also explained the existing problems of the police department at the press conference he held regarding the developments in the Halil Falyalı and Murat Demirtaş murders.

Police General Director Ahmet Soyalan drew attention to the problems of the police organization at the press conference he held today regarding the developments in the murders of Halil Falyalı and Murat Demirtaş. At the press conference, Soyalan said, "The first of these is the personnel shortage, which we constantly emphasize."
Stating that although the police force has a police force of 3,000 people, the public is being served with missing personnel, Soyalan said, "However, even with this number, it is obvious that the police personnel do not meet the expectations in the service provided to the public today."
In his statement, Soyalan stated that "new police officers, who are recruited to a limited number of police from time to time, are forced to be used in security units such as newly opened land crossings and Ercan International Airport, which is planned to be opened soon, instead of being used in the fight against crime."
Police General Manager Ahmet Soyalan emphasized that, in addition to the personnel shortage, technical impossibilities, lack of equipment and the fact that the laws that will strengthen the police's actions have not been implemented yet make the organization's job more difficult.
Drafts that have been prepared since 2015 could not be implemented
Saying, “Many draft laws have been prepared since 2015 in order to increase the efficiency of the police in the fight against organized crime, but none of them have been implemented yet,” Soyalan said, referring to the Draft Laws and said, "The Draft Law on Supervision of Communication via Telecommunication, the Draft Law on Surveillance with Technical Tools, the Informant Used by the Police". Rewarding Bill, Controlled Delivery Bill, Appointment and Use of Confidential Investigators Bill, Effective Repentance Bill and Protective Services Bill.
Soyalan has an established belief in the country as well as in the world; He said, "The police are successful to the extent that they can prevent the crime, but also to reveal the perpetrators of the crime that they cannot prevent, and to intimidate those who plan to commit crimes in the country from now on."
“We consider ourselves lucky in this regard. As you can see, many important recent judicial events have been clarified thanks to our staff working with great care and devotion, and the perpetrators of crimes have been identified," Soyalan continued as follows:
“This and similar successes achieved as a result of the devoted and disciplined work of our staff are proof of the police force's place among the most reliable institutions in opinion polls. Our police are constantly renewing themselves and improving themselves in the fight against crime with the in-service training provided to us by the Turkish Republic General Directorate of Security and Gendarmerie General Command. People who tend to commit crimes in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, taking advantage of the geographical location of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the fact that it is a country recognized only by the Republic of Turkey, should know that the TRNC Police Organization will never allow them and that our country is safe in the international arena. Let us have no doubt that it will continue to do our best to be remembered as a country. This murder investigation, which was followed closely by both our country's and foreign press, showed that; The TRNC Police Organization, with the knowledge, experience and skill of its personnel, enlightened the incident to a large extent in a short time and renewed confidence in the eyes of the whole world and its people involved in the incident.
Soyalan, who contributed to the public helping them in every way in the process of clarifying the murder, to the Security Forces Command, the General Directorate of Security of the Republic of Turkey, to the General Directorate of Security of the Republic of Turkey, contributing to the sending of information and documents regarding the crime, He thanked his advisors, all his staff who contributed to the investigation of the matter, contributed to the investigation, and worked tirelessly day and night, and the families of the esteemed police officers who always showed understanding to them due to their busy shifts, and the members of the press who supported the police with their news in order to enlighten the public.
Soyalan said, “Due to the sensitivity of the issue and the ongoing investigation, I would like to state that I cannot give more details about the issue at this stage and I will not take any questions from you regarding the incident. Thank you again for your understanding. We will continue to inform you in case of any new developments regarding the issue.
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