reading time: 1 min.

Hamit Bakırcı: Construction of Mosque halted

Hamit Bakırcı: Construction of Mosque halted

Hamit Bakırcı, the Mayor of Erenköy-Karpaz, announced that the construction of a mosque planned to be built in a room near the Apostolos Andreas Monastery has been halted.

Publish Date: 03/08/23 12:51
reading time: 1 min.
Hamit Bakırcı: Construction of Mosque halted
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Following the news article titled "Construction of mosque in the monastery has been halted" published by Kıbrıs Postası, they reached out to Hamit Bakırcı, the Mayor of Erenköy-Karpaz.

Bakırcı stated that the construction of the mosque has been halted and mentioned that it was a demand from the citizens. He also mentioned that they have forwarded the matter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will act accordingly after the discussions. Bakırcı added, "We have plans to renovate 12 rooms located near the monastery and utilize them for tourism purposes."

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