reading time: 2 min.

Tatar: Erdoğan Has Made His Views on the Cyprus Issue Clear to the World

Tatar: Erdoğan Has Made His Views on the Cyprus Issue Clear to the World

President Ersin Tatar commented on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's call to "recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)" during the 78th United Nations General Assembly, stating that they expected such a call. Tatar noted that President Erdoğan had made a similar call during the 77th UN General Assembly and expressed curiosity about his evaluation this year.

Publish Date: 20/09/23 15:09
reading time: 2 min.
Tatar: Erdoğan Has Made His Views on the Cyprus Issue Clear to the World
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President Tatar mentioned that Turkey closely monitors developments in Cyprus as a motherland and guarantor country. He emphasized that they would not engage in official negotiations without a common ground, in line with their political stance.

Tatar underlined that President Erdoğan clearly stated that the chapter on a federation had closed, and he mentioned it unequivocally to the world. He also highlighted the importance of President Erdoğan's call to "express the independence of the TRNC and enter into political diplomatic relations," stating that if a deal were to be reached, the TRNC's recognition must be a fundamental part of it.

Tatar further commented that the new political approach they have been following for three years has become permanent and emphasized the importance of recognizing the TRNC for peace and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Regarding Turkey's insistence on the recognition of the TRNC on the global stage, Tatar stated that Turkey, as a powerful country in the world, has made its views on the Cyprus issue clear to the entire world.

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