Protocol Signed for the Construction of "Champion Angels" Monumental Tombs

A cooperation protocol has been signed between the Prime Ministry and the Cyprus Turkish Contractors Association (KTİMB) for the construction of "Champion Angels" monumental tombs in Gazimağusa, Yeniboğaziçi, Ulukışla, Vadili, Dörtyol, and Atlılar. Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and KTİMB President Cafer Gürcafer signed the protocol.

The protocol aims to collaborate between the Prime Ministry and the Cyprus Turkish Contractors Association to construct monumental tombs in Gazimağusa, Yeniboğaziçi, Ulukışla, Dörtyol, Vadili, and Atlılar for the students of Gazimağusa Turkish Maarif College volleyball team who lost their lives in the earthquake in Turkey on February 6, 2023. The construction of these tombs will be carried out in accordance with the prepared projects and specifications, taking into account the sensitivity of the families, and completed as soon as possible.
Within the framework of the protocol, funds equivalent to the tender amount based on the quantity survey prepared by Gazimağusa Municipality will be blocked for strengthening or rebuilding public schools and hospitals according to the "Decree with the Force of Law" regarding the methods to be applied. The handover of the locations for the monumental tombs and the provision of infrastructure for the project will be arranged. Payments to the contractor for approved progress payments by the "Champion Angels Monumental Tombs Construction Monitoring and Control Commission" coordinated by the Cyprus Turkish Contractors Association will be made without delay.
Contractors or companies with a suitable report card to carry out the construction of the monumental tombs in the best and fastest manner will be identified, and work will commence within three business days at the latest. The regular operation of the construction monitoring and control commission for the "Champion Angels" monument tomb construction sites will be coordinated and managed. Necessary "Occupational Health and Safety" measures will be implemented on construction sites.
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