reading time: 2 min.

Dimitriou Calls on the Greek Cypriot Government to Announce Confidence-Building Measures for Turkish Cypriots

Dimitriou Calls on the Greek Cypriot Government to Announce Confidence-Building Measures for Turkish Cypriots

Annita Dimitriou, the President of the Cyprus House of Representatives and the Democratic Rally (DISY) party, has called on the Greek Cypriot government to announce confidence-building measures (CBMs) for Turkish Cypriots. She made this call after a meeting with the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL), a left-wing political party in Cyprus.

Publish Date: 23/09/23 13:46
reading time: 2 min.
Dimitriou Calls on the Greek Cypriot Government to Announce Confidence-Building Measures for Turkish Cypriots
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During the meeting, Dimitriou emphasized the need for the Greek Cypriot government to take unilateral CBMs aimed at building trust with the Turkish Cypriots. These measures could include initiatives related to easing restrictions, enhancing cooperation, and improving the daily lives of Turkish Cypriots.

The call for CBMs comes in the context of ongoing efforts to revive the Cyprus peace process. Dimitriou stressed the importance of implementing measures that can help create a positive atmosphere for negotiations to resume. She also emphasized that UN Security Council resolutions should guide the resolution of the Cyprus problem.

Murat Kanatlı, the Secretary-General of AKEL, expressed gratitude for the meeting and stressed the urgency of resolving the Cyprus issue. He viewed the Guterres Framework as a positive step for returning to the negotiation table.

Confidence-building measures have been a topic of discussion in the Cyprus peace process for many years. They are seen as a way to build trust and improve relations between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities on the island. These measures can encompass various areas, such as opening additional crossing points, facilitating trade and economic cooperation, and addressing humanitarian issues.

The Cyprus problem, which has persisted for decades, involves the division of the island into two communities, the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots. UN-led negotiations have aimed to find a comprehensive solution to reunify the island, but progress has been slow and challenging.

Source: TAK

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