reading time: 2 min.

Greece Pressures for Participation in Eurasia Interconnector Project

Greece Pressures for Participation in Eurasia Interconnector Project

According to information obtained by Politis newspaper, the Independent Power Transmission Operator of Greece (ADMHE) is continuously pressuring the institution in Cyprus to participate more actively in the Eurasia Interconnector electricity connection project.

Publish Date: 25/09/23 14:02
reading time: 2 min.
Greece Pressures for Participation in Eurasia Interconnector Project
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The newspaper reported that ADMHE aims to participate as extensively as possible in the Cyprus-Greece-Crete electricity connection project. However, the institution in Cyprus is demanding the fulfillment of all assurances for the project's implementation.

Politis noted that, unlike Greece, the European Commission is currently in a waiting position regarding the project and is awaiting the decision of the institution in Cyprus.

Furthermore, the report highlighted that the US International Development Finance Corporation, a branch of US foreign investment policy, has recently expressed its intention to participate in the project. This development is considered significant.

Politis reported that Nasos Ktoridis, an official from the Eurasia Project, and Scott Nathan, the CEO of the American organization, recently held a teleconference meeting in which the US expressed its desire to contribute 50 million Euros to the project.

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