reading time: 2 min.

UBP Congress Scheduled for September 2024, Says Party Leader Ünal Üstel

UBP Congress Scheduled for September 2024, Says Party Leader Ünal Üstel

Ünal Üstel, the leader of the National Unity Party (UBP) and the Prime Minister, announced that the UBP Ordinary Congress will take place in September 2024, following the decision of the party's authorized committees.

Publish Date: 27/11/23 14:21
reading time: 2 min.
UBP Congress Scheduled for September 2024, Says Party Leader Ünal Üstel
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Responding to a question about the date of the UBP Ordinary Congress during a visit, Üstel emphasized that the congress date is set based on the decision taken by the central executive committee.

Üstel stated, "There is no such thing as UBP congress will be held when someone wants or when someone asks for it. The date of the congress is clear. According to the decision taken in the central executive committee, we will hold the congress in September 2024. This is also within the knowledge of the Motherland Turkey. UBP is a large party. A congress cannot be organized in one or two months. During our congress, we will renew our organizations and members. In line with that, we will hold our congress on the date determined by the party assembly in September. Things said from here and there are not accurate. We will comply with the decision of the party's authorized organs. That is in September 2024."


Source: BRT

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