reading time: 2 min.

Arıklı: No Damage Occurred in Fuel Procurement Without Tender Process

Arıklı: No Damage Occurred in Fuel Procurement Without Tender Process

TRNC Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı, in his speech addressing the fuel procurement process without a tender conducted during his tenure, stated, "No damage occurred in the fuel procurement process without a tender."

Publish Date: 27/11/23 16:41
reading time: 2 min.
Arıklı: No Damage Occurred in Fuel Procurement Without Tender Process
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Speaking at the parliament, Minister Arıklı explained the process of fuel procurement without a tender during his tenure, emphasizing that no damage occurred in the fuel procurement process.

Arıklı mentioned that those who came after him were working with TPİC for the renewal of the procurement and that they knew the plaintiff company, according to the contract, would bring 9 thousand tons of fuel. Arıklı stated that the company blackmailed them during this process and did not bring the promised 9 thousand tons. He emphasized that in this situation, they were forced to buy expensive fuel to prevent the country from plunging into darkness.

Regarding the court decision, Arıklı said, "If the institution's lawyer had not made any defense, a much lighter decision would have been made," stating that the Cabinet was not aware of the process, and the decision did not reach them. Expressing his disappointment that the institution was left so defenseless, Arıklı announced that they would go to the court of appeal.

Arıklı also pointed out that electricity was constantly purchased from the Greek side due to peak periods, stating that this did not constitute damage.


Source: TAK

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