reading time: 3 min.

Gardiyanoglu: We Will Investigate Any Negligence in the Social Insurance Department

Gardiyanoglu: We Will Investigate Any Negligence in the Social Insurance Department

Minister of Labor and Social Security Sadık Gardiyanoğlu made a statement regarding the investigation into fake prescriptions in the country. Gardiyanoğlu emphasized that if there is any negligence in the Social Insurance Department, the necessary investigation will be conducted.

Publish Date: 28/11/23 13:55
reading time: 3 min.
Gardiyanoglu: We Will Investigate Any Negligence in the Social Insurance Department
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Minister of Labor and Social Security Sadık Gardiyanoğlu made statements about the "fake prescription" investigation during the meeting of the Minimum Wage Determination Commission.

Minister of Labor and Social Security Sadık Gardiyanoğlu stated that Social Insurance is open to inspection to the end, saying, "If there is any negligence in Social Insurance, as the minister, I will not step back, I will not cover it up, and I will go to the end of this case." Reminding that the Cyprus Turkish Medical Association and the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists Association applied to the Audit Office yesterday to inspect the Social Insurance Department for "prescription corruption," Gardiyanoğlu emphasized that there has never been anyone escaping inspection.

Gardiyanoğlu, who said, "It is tried to create an atmosphere as if we, as the ministry, cover up this inspection," stated that, on the contrary, they started their internal inspections from the first day.

Stating that Social Insurance is open to inspection to the end by the Police, the Audit Office, or other places that will inspect, Minister Gardiyanoğlu emphasized, "If there is anyone who has any negligence on this issue, let there be the same practice for doctors and pharmacists before the laws... I am very comfortable in this regard. Our doors are open to all inspections." Gardiyanoğlu said.

Minister Gardiyanoğlu announced that he will hold a comprehensive press conference on the subject at the beginning of next week. Stating that they have started to collect from the archive the decisions taken by the board of directors and the correspondence of the administrators or former Social Insurance Directors with the Union of Physicians and the Union of Pharmacists from 2001 to the present, Gardiyanoğlu said that a wide meeting invitation with the administrative board members will be made to the press on this issue.

Stating that "everything is transparent for me, a word comes out of my mouth once" Minister Gardiyanoğlu said, he will not step back in this process and will go to the end, just as there is any negligence in Social Insurance, as the Minister, he will not step back, he will not cover it up, and he will go to the end of this case. Gardiyanoğlu emphasized.

"Everyone can be reassured," said Minister Gardiyanoğlu, saying that their work on Social Insurance will be completed as of December 1.


Source: TAK

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