reading time: 1 min.

China Supports the Sovereignty, Independence, and Territorial Integrity of Cyprus

China Supports the Sovereignty, Independence, and Territorial Integrity of Cyprus

Zieng Xianbang, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, expressed his country's steadfast stance in supporting the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Cyprus.

Publish Date: 28/11/23 15:15
reading time: 1 min.
China Supports the Sovereignty, Independence, and Territorial Integrity of Cyprus
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During his official visit to South Cyprus with his delegation, Xianbang met with the President of the Parliament, Annita Dimitriu.

According to the report in Haravgi newspaper, Xianbang provided assurances regarding China's stable position on the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Cyprus, as well as its efforts for the resolution of the Cyprus problem based on relevant decisions of the United Nations. The meeting discussed the excellent level of relations between the two countries, grounded on common principles, mutual trust, support, and adherence to the "One China - One Cyprus" principle.

Annita Dimitriu expressed her gratitude for China's principled stance on the Cyprus problem and resolution efforts, acknowledging China's committed position as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Source: TAK

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