reading time: 2 min.

Kyrenia Horror: Mikhail Kamyshanov Found Strangled to Death - Three Suspects Detained

Kyrenia Horror: Mikhail Kamyshanov Found Strangled to Death - Three Suspects Detained

The investigation into the death of 40-year-old Mikhail Kamyshanov, discovered in a shop in Kyrenia, has revealed that he was murdered by strangulation. Serhii Mykhaılıchenko, an employee working with Kamyshanov, along with his wife Katerina Kotenko and accomplice Andrei Volkovskii, have been arrested in connection with the murder. The suspects will be held in custody for three days.

Publish Date: 28/11/23 15:59
reading time: 2 min.
Kyrenia Horror: Mikhail Kamyshanov Found Strangled to Death - Three Suspects Detained
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The Kyrenia police, after conducting an autopsy on Mikhail Kamyshanov who found dead last night, confirmed that he was killed by manual strangulation. The incident occurred at the under-renovation Imaj Photo Studio on Uğur Mumcu Boulevard in Kyrenia.

Three individuals, including an employee, his wife, and an accomplice, were arrested following the examination of surveillance camera footage. The police reported that the investigation revealed the suspects, Serhii Mykhaılıchenko, Katerina Kotenko, and Andrei Volkovskii, were involved in the murder. The police also stated that the suspects first committed the murder, then closed the door and escaped through a window.

The investigation remains ongoing, with the authorities examining multiple aspects of the case, including the suspects' communication records and surveillance footage. The court has ordered the suspects to be held in custody for three days.

Source: TAK

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