reading time: 3 min.

Hunger Threshold in Turkey Exceeds 14,000 Liras

Hunger Threshold in Turkey Exceeds 14,000 Liras

According to the November survey by the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (Türk-İş), the hunger threshold for a four-person family in Turkey is 14,025 liras, while the poverty threshold stands at 45,686 liras.

Publish Date: 28/11/23 16:11
reading time: 3 min.
Hunger Threshold in Turkey Exceeds 14,000 Liras
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The cost of living for a single employee is determined to be 18,239 liras per month. Türk-İş announced the results of its hunger and poverty threshold research for November. The monthly food expenditure required for a healthy, balanced, and adequate diet for a four-person family living in Ankara, known as the hunger threshold, has risen to 14,025 liras. The poverty threshold, covering mandatory monthly expenses for clothing, housing (rent, electricity, water, fuel), transportation, education, health, and other necessities, has reached 45,686 liras and 81 kuruş. The cost of living for a single employee is 18,239 liras and 8 kuruş.

Milk Price Increases by 8.5%

According to the research, milk prices increased by 8.5% compared to the previous month, with an average liter selling for 34.5 liras in supermarkets. Cheese and yogurt prices remained at last month's levels. In most supermarkets, beef mince was priced at an average of 331 liras per kilogram, and beef cubes were priced at an average of 356 liras. In November, chicken prices were on the shelves with an average kilogram price of 69 liras, while the price per egg decreased to an average of 3.77 liras compared to the previous month.

Chickpeas See a 21% Increase in One Month

There was an overall increase in all legumes, with the highest increase seen in chickpeas. Chickpeas showed an average increase of 21% compared to the previous month, with an average kilogram price of 85 liras in supermarkets in November. In Ankara, the price of a 200-gram bread remained at 7 liras, resulting in a monthly bread expense of 735 liras for a four-person family. Vegetable prices saw a significant drop in cauliflower and village peppers. Last month, village peppers were sold for an average of 35 liras on market stalls, while this month, they were sold for an average of 20 liras. Cauliflower, which was sold for an average kilogram price of 37.5 liras last month, was sold for an average of 20 liras this month. Butter prices also increased by 6% this month.

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