reading time: 2 min.

Hasipoğlu Backs 'Shine Light on Justice' Walk for Isias Hotel Case

Hasipoğlu Backs 'Shine Light on Justice' Walk for Isias Hotel Case

UBP General Secretary Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu expressed support for the "Shine Light on Justice" walk organized by the families of the Champion Angels to protest the indictment prepared by the Adıyaman Chief Public Prosecutor's Office regarding the Isias Hotel.

Publish Date: 29/11/23 13:45
reading time: 2 min.
Hasipoğlu Backs 'Shine Light on Justice' Walk for Isias Hotel Case
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Hasipoğlu emphasized that they closely follow the Isias Hotel case and stated, "We will provide all the support we can to ensure that the perpetrators receive the harshest punishment." The walk is scheduled to take place in Famagusta tomorrow at 5:00 PM.

Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu said, "The indescribable pain left behind by our Champion Angels and other people who lost their lives in the earthquake on February 6 is still burning in our hearts."

Hasipoğlu announced that they will continue to closely monitor the process of the Isias Hotel case, both at the special committee level in the Parliament and as a political party. He emphasized, "We want to once again emphasize that we will provide all the support we can for justice to prevail and for the perpetrators to receive the harshest punishment," using the slogan "Shine Light on Justice." In his statement, he also said:

"We will participate in the walk in Famagusta on November 30 with the slogan 'Shine Light on Justice,' and we will shed light on justice... Because #isiasortadavamız (Isias is our case)."

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