reading time: 1 min.

Two Workers Injured in Separate Work Accidents in Haspolat and Alsancak

Two Workers Injured in Separate Work Accidents in Haspolat and Alsancak

Two workers were injured in two separate work accidents that occurred in Haspolat and Alsancak yesterday. The injured workers were taken to hospitals for treatment.

Publish Date: 29/11/23 13:56
reading time: 1 min.
Two Workers Injured in Separate Work Accidents in Haspolat and Alsancak
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According to the statement from the Police Press Office, two separate work accidents occurred in Haspolat and Alsancak yesterday.

According to the statement, around 07:30 yesterday, Cumali Katık (M-45), who worked at a brick factory in Haspolat, fell into a concrete pit about four meters deep in the brick oven section and was injured.

Katık, who was taken to Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital, underwent surgery after being diagnosed with a spinal fracture and was placed under observation in the Surgical Services.

In Alsancak, around 10:00 yesterday, Dinesh Kumara Liyanage (M-34), working in the yard of a company, lost his balance while installing a canopy awning on a wooden roof, fell from a height of about 2.5 meters to the concrete floor, and was injured. Liyanage, who was taken to Girne Dr. Akçiçek Hospital, was treated for a wrist fracture and discharged after treatment.

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