reading time: 3 min.

81 Accidents, 23 Injured, and 6 Million TL Damage in a Week

81 Accidents, 23 Injured, and 6 Million TL Damage in a Week

In the last week, 81 traffic accidents occurred in the country, leaving 23 people injured and causing approximately 6 million TL in material damage.

Publish Date: 29/11/23 14:35
reading time: 3 min.
81 Accidents, 23 Injured, and 6 Million TL Damage in a Week
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From November 20th to November 26th, 81 accidents occurred, with 25 due to speeding, 18 due to reckless driving, 15 at intersections, 13 due to tailgating, and 10 for other reasons. The total damage resulting from these accidents was reported as 6,284,500 TL.

Out of the drivers, 1,139 were reported for speeding, 364 for using a mobile phone while driving, and 103 for not wearing a seatbelt. Legal action was taken against 144 drivers for driving without navigation licenses.

Speed Remains the Leading Cause of Accidents

The accidents in the districts were reported as 33 in Nicosia, 12 in Famagusta, 24 in Kyrenia, 7 in Morphou, and 5 in İskele.

Moreover, the police, out of 18,895 drivers inspected between November 20th and 26th, reported 3,910. Out of these reported drivers, 1,139 were for speeding, 15 for dangerous driving, 44 for reckless driving, 144 for driving without navigation licenses, 19 for driving without a driver's license, 88 for drunk driving, 364 for using a mobile phone, and 103 for not wearing a seatbelt.

Additionally, 165 drivers were reported for not obeying traffic signs, 12 for not obeying traffic lights, 52 for driving without an inspection, 56 for driving without insurance or with insurance outside the coverage. Twenty drivers were reported for using a vehicle without "T" (passenger transport) permit, 3 for using a vehicle without a "B" (freight transport) permit, and 3 for carrying tonnage exceeding or carrying dangerous cargo. One driver was reported for not wearing a protective helmet while riding a motorcycle.

Three drivers were reported for not having a taxi meter in the taxi or not turning on the meter while carrying passengers or fraudulently operating it. In these inspections, 240 vehicles were banned from traffic, and 10 drivers were arrested.

Source: TAK

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