reading time: 1 min.

2 Individuals Arrested for Illegally Bringing Meat and Car Parts from South Cyprus to Northern Cyprus

2 Individuals Arrested for Illegally Bringing Meat and Car Parts from South Cyprus to Northern Cyprus

Police announced the arrest of 2 individuals who were found to have illegally brought meat and car parts from South Cyprus to Northern Cyprus.

Publish Date: 30/11/23 14:28
reading time: 1 min.
2 Individuals Arrested for Illegally Bringing Meat and Car Parts from South Cyprus to Northern Cyprus
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According to a statement from the Police Press Office, an operation was carried out by the Nicosia Police Directorate on Mimar Mehmet Vahip Street in Hamitköy around 21:30 yesterday.

During the operation, A.K. (42 years old) and H.D. (44 years old) were found with vehicles in their possession, and 264 kg of beef and various car parts illegally imported from the Republic of Cyprus (South Cyprus) to Northern Cyprus without permission were seized.

The individuals in question were arrested, and the investigation is ongoing.

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