reading time: 2 min.

Eylem: Ministry of National Education Must Immediately Launch an Investigation

Eylem: Ministry of National Education Must Immediately Launch an Investigation

Selma Eylem, the President of the Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Teachers' Union (KTOEÖS), has called on the Ministry of National Education to initiate an investigation into two teachers assigned from Turkey who openly defend committing a crime against teachers and the union.

Publish Date: 07/12/23 13:20
reading time: 2 min.
Eylem: Ministry of National Education Must Immediately Launch an Investigation
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In a written statement, Selma Eylem urged the Ministry of National Education to investigate two teachers assigned from the Republic of Turkey who openly advocate committing a crime against teachers and the union.

Eylem, in her written statement, claimed that one of the vocational teachers assigned from Turkey to Hala Sultan Theology College was appointed as the deputy director by the Embassy's instructions. She argued that the Ministry of National Education informed them that the duty assigned to this person was revoked following the reaction of teachers and the union, expressing that the illegal practice disrupting the hierarchy is unacceptable.

Eylem noted that two other teachers assigned from Turkey, who openly defend the practice and accuse teachers and the union of committing a crime, are still kept in the school despite the will demonstrated by teachers and the union through their correspondence, where criticism, attacks, and threats were made.

Calling for an immediate investigation by the Ministry of Education and the removal of these individuals from the school, Selma Eylem emphasized the urgent need for the Ministry to take action, stating that accountability would be impossible if the working peace is disrupted.

Stating that there are hundreds of graduate teacher candidates in the country, Eylem demanded an end to the assignment of teachers from Turkey. She underscored that the union and teachers would continue their struggle for a contemporary, secular, scientific education, and societal structure, emphasizing that our teachers, students, and schools are not alone.


Source. TAK

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