reading time: 2 min.

Erdogan-Sakelaropulu Meeting: Mutual Messages of a "New Era"

Erdogan-Sakelaropulu Meeting: Mutual Messages of a "New Era"

Turkish President Erdogan has held talks with his Greek counterpart, Katerina Sakelaropulu, in Athens, marking a significant visit to neighboring Greece after a six-year hiatus. During the meeting, Erdogan emphasized the importance of speaking about the "full side of the glass" for a more prosperous future.

Publish Date: 07/12/23 13:37
reading time: 2 min.
Erdogan-Sakelaropulu Meeting: Mutual Messages of a "New Era"
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In a joint press conference before their meeting, President Sakelaropulu acknowledged differing approaches between Turkey and Greece on various issues but expressed their commitment to expanding cooperation to advance peace in the region. She stated, "It is essential for Greece and Turkey to develop the existing positive political will more than ever."

Taking the floor after Sakelaropulu, President Erdogan expressed his belief that the 5th High-Level Strategic Council Meeting would contribute to the strengthening of a new era between Turkey and Greece. Erdogan highlighted the goal of increasing the current $5.5 billion trade volume between the two countries to $10 billion.

"We will discuss the steps we can take to achieve this," Erdogan stated. He also emphasized the importance of talking about the "full side of the glass," believing it would be more auspicious for the future. The leaders conveyed messages of optimism and cooperation, indicating a positive shift in bilateral relations.


Source: Kıbrıs Postası

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