reading time: 1 min.

Only Half of Greek Cypriots to Vote in European Parliament Elections

Only Half of Greek Cypriots to Vote in European Parliament Elections

According to the latest Eurobarometer results published last Wednesday by the European Parliament, only half of Greek Cypriots are expected to cast their votes in the upcoming European Parliament elections in June.

Publish Date: 07/12/23 13:55
reading time: 1 min.
Only Half of Greek Cypriots to Vote in European Parliament Elections
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The Politis newspaper reports that, with this rate being the lowest among member states, it falls well below the EU average of 68%.

Additionally, the article notes that Cyprus is significantly distant from Denmark, which boasts an 86% participation rate. The reasons cited for Greek Cypriots' reluctance to participate include prioritizing support for a political party as the primary criterion, followed by endorsing a specific candidate and considering their civic duties as the third criterion.

The Eurobarometer results also indicate that only 41% of South Cyprus residents hold a positive view regarding the EU.


Source: Politis

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