reading time: 3 min.

Tufan Erhürman: If Property Is Not Yours, Sovereignty Isn't Either

Tufan Erhürman: If Property Is Not Yours, Sovereignty Isn't Either

Speaking in Parliament, CTP leader Tufan Erhürman addressed the issue of property sales to foreigners, stating, "If property is not yours, sovereignty isn't either." He emphasized the importance of preserving the country's land, population, socio-cultural structure, and identity.

Publish Date: 07/12/23 16:00
reading time: 3 min.
Tufan Erhürman: If Property Is Not Yours, Sovereignty Isn't Either
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Erhürman cautioned against steering the issue into dangerous territory akin to anti-foreign sentiment, stressing the need to maintain the socio-cultural fabric without falling into outdated patterns.

Erhürman highlighted the goal of protecting the country's land, population, socio-cultural structure, and identity, asserting that such attitudes are unsuitable for this land. He urged for careful language use to prevent the issue from escalating into dangerous territory. Erhürman pointed out that the construction sector needs to be brought to a sustainable state while ensuring predictability.

Referring to recent statements by "Prime Minister" Ünal Üstel, Erhürman accused him of delivering populist messages to the public with baseless allegations against the CTP. Regarding the news in Sabah Gazetesi about Israeli companies, Erhürman emphasized the importance of addressing the misinformation and the need for a more accurate representation of the country's situation.

Erhürman criticized the government for not having a clear understanding of the population's demographics, pointing out the inconsistencies in figures provided by various officials. He argued that such governance creates a perception that the country is not effectively managed.

Emphasizing the urgent need to address the economic struggles of the people, Erhürman pointed out that even areas designated for construction are being sold. He expressed concern that the Turkish Cypriot community is being pushed toward extinction, emphasizing that the people's economic struggles contribute to their inability to buy homes for their children.

Erhürman reminded the audience of the CTP's negotiation efforts during the Annan Plan, where discussions about property ownership were part of the core negotiations. He concluded by stating that the real fight is not between opposition and government but a fight for the country and the ability of future generations to anchor themselves to this land.

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