reading time: 1 min.

Kemal Dürüst and Meray Dürüst couple arrested on charges of fake diplomas!

Kemal Dürüst and Meray Dürüst couple arrested on charges of fake diplomas!

Former ministers, Kemal Dürüst, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of KSTU, and his wife Meray Dürüst, Director of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, have been arrested on allegations of fake diplomas. The investigation into fake diplomas is ongoing.

Publish Date: 22/02/24 17:48
Update Date: 23/02/24 13:32
reading time: 1 min.
Kemal Dürüst and Meray Dürüst couple arrested on charges of fake diplomas!
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Former ministers, Kemal Dürüst, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University (KSTU), and his wife Meray Dürüst, Director of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, have been arrested on allegations of possessing fake diplomas.

The Dürüst couple is expected to appear in Güzelyurt District Court tomorrow.

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