reading time: 2 min.

Harmancı Comments on the Fight in Nicosia: Exercises of Power by Mafia-like Groups

Harmancı Comments on the Fight in Nicosia: Exercises of Power by Mafia-like Groups

Following the major brawl on Zahra Street last night, Nicosia Turkish Municipality (LTB) Mayor Mehmet Harmancı made a statement on his social media account, saying, "Exercises of power by mafia-like groups, as in every aspect of the country."

Publish Date: 23/02/24 13:50
reading time: 2 min.
Harmancı Comments on the Fight in Nicosia: Exercises of Power by Mafia-like Groups
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After the brawl in Zahra Street in Nicosia last night, Mayor Mehmet Harmancı took to social media to make a statement. Harmancı noted that the brawl was not about simple matters, stating, "Exercises of power by mafia-like groups, as in every aspect of the country."

Harmancı pointed out that the individuals involved in the fight had committed numerous crimes and were unrepentant, saying, "We didn't create these places easily, and we won't lose them easily either."

Finally, Harmancı stated, "We won't let your system ruin what Sur İçi has achieved," emphasizing his determination to preserve the achievements of the area.

Harmancı's statement reads as follows:

"What happened in Zahra tonight is not about simple quarrel issues, it's about exercises of power by mafia-like groups, as in every aspect of the country.

The same unrepentant individuals who have previously been involved in crime, are now attempting to turn the created values into their own interests once again.

We didn't create these places easily, and we won't lose them easily either.

Yes, we will collaborate with every institution on these matters, but we will also take our own precautions, and if the businesses that feed these groups are to suffer the consequences, then they will.

The chaos you have brought to the country in every aspect is not part of our order. We are not part of your system; we have created what Sur İçi has achieved with our own hands, and we won't let your system ruin it."

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