reading time: 2 min.

Kemal Dürüst Granted Additional 3 Days of Detention

Kemal Dürüst Granted Additional 3 Days of Detention

Kemal Dürüst, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Cyprus University of Social Sciences and Health Sciences, will remain in police custody for another 3 days.

Publish Date: 26/02/24 13:25
reading time: 2 min.
Kemal Dürüst Granted Additional 3 Days of Detention
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The former UBP minister, Kemal Dürüst, was brought before the court again on charges of "forgery of documents, circulation of forged documents, incitement to forge documents, and money laundering."

During the court session, the financial police provided new details about the investigation, stating that initial findings revealed Kemal Dürüst allegedly obtained a total of 926,286 TL through fraud by showing 19 invoices from 6 different companies as if they were selling goods and services to the university.

The police also stated that, upon the instruction of Kemal Dürüst and Serdal Gündüz, a shareholder of KTSU, a total of 140,000 TL in school fees paid by students were transferred not to the school's account but to the accounts of two employees.

Furthermore, the police indicated that Kemal Dürüst allegedly leased two plots of land belonging to his company, HA-OS, for a total of $36,000 without the approval of the KTSU Board of Trustees.

Additionally, the police claimed that, at the request of Dürüst's wife and upon the instruction of Serdal Gündüz, 34,000 TL was used from the school's account to order pastries for a couple's wedding, who were not related to the Dürüst family.

In response to a question from Kemal Dürüst's lawyer during the police testimony, it was stated that the pastries were ordered in the name of a couple not related to the Dürüst family.

The police stated that there are 21 statements to be taken, out of which 7 have been taken, and that arrest warrants have been issued. Therefore, they requested an additional 3 days of detention for Kemal Dürüst.

The court ruled for Kemal Dürüst to remain in police custody for another 3 days.

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