reading time: 4 min.

Environmental Platform's Dramatic Protest: Dumping Pine Processionary Caterpillars at Ministry's Doorstep

Environmental Platform's Dramatic Protest: Dumping Pine Processionary Caterpillars at Ministry's Doorstep

Following yesterday's demonstration in Lefka, the Environmental Platform was once again in front of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources this morning, demanding the preservation of the country's forest assets through a press statement and demonstration. Following the speeches, the platform poured the pine processionary caterpillars from the box onto the ministry's doorstep.

Publish Date: 01/03/24 13:48
reading time: 4 min.
Environmental Platform's Dramatic Protest: Dumping Pine Processionary Caterpillars at Ministry's Doorstep
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Representatives of the Platform left pine processionary caterpillars at the ministry's door, emphasizing the need to continue aerial biological combat against the pine processionary caterpillar.

Several political parties and civil society organizations supported the demonstration.

Speaking on behalf of the Environmental Platform, Feriha Tel, President of the Green Peace Movement, expressed serious concerns about the state of forests. Tel urged the government, particularly the Minister from within civil society, to heed the experts' voices in the fight against the pine processionary caterpillar.

Tel called on the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources to take action regarding the pine processionary caterpillar, criticizing the Minister for not fulfilling any responsibilities towards the forests.

Tel emphasized their commitment to continuing the fight for the preservation of forest assets.

Supporting the Environmental Platform, Dr. Cemal Mert, responsible for Environment, Public Health, and Human Rights at the Cyprus Turkish Medical Association, stated their support for the Platform's struggle.

Highlighting the importance of combating the pine processionary caterpillar for human and forest health, Mert affirmed that as physicians, they would continue this fight for the environment and other living beings.

Supporting the Platform, Ilkay Ilseven, President of the KEMA Foundation and Forest Engineer, and Ahmet İyigün, President of the Chamber of Forest Engineers, pointed out that due to the inability to conduct aerial combat, the pine processionary caterpillar has increased, causing damage even in homes. They emphasized the necessity of allocating budgetary resources for the protection of forests and the environment, warning that without it, the diminishing forest assets would disappear.

Reading the press statement on behalf of the Environmental Platform, Hasan Sarpten, a member of the Board of Directors of the Biologists Association, stressed the need to protect forests for the country's future. Sarpten asserted that the authorities were responsible for the losses in the forests.

Critiquing the Ministry of Agriculture, Sarpten accused the Minister of avoiding meeting with them, ignoring expert opinions, and failing to combat the pine processionary caterpillar despite various excuses. Sarpten highlighted the importance and success of aerial biological combat and emphasized the need to continue this fight.

Sarpten expressed the urgent need to reinitiate the fight against the pine processionary caterpillar, stating that if not addressed, forests would disappear, causing harm to humans, the environment, and other living beings.

Describing the Agriculture Minister as an "enemy of forests" for disregarding civil society, Sarpten stated that they had come to present the Minister with the pine processionary caterpillars they didn't want to see in the forest. Following the speeches, the platform poured the pine processionary caterpillars from the box onto the ministry's doorstep.

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