reading time: 2 min.

Former KTHY Employee Detained for Fake Diploma Scandal

Former KTHY Employee Detained for Fake Diploma Scandal

Former employee of Cyprus Turkish Airlines (KTHY), Bengü Gazitepe, who was arrested in the investigation into fake diplomas conducted at the Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University (KSTU), will remain in custody for 2 days. Gazitepe, who was arrested on Friday, appeared in court in Nicosia yesterday to request additional time.

Publish Date: 22/04/24 16:07
reading time: 2 min.
Former KTHY Employee Detained for Fake Diploma Scandal
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Prosecutor Hasan Boşnak represented the prosecution during the hearing.

Police officer Emre Ertit presented the facts related to the case in court. Ertit stated that Gazitepe's registration at the school was falsely recorded on September 30, 2029, but investigations revealed that her registration was actually made on June 5, 2023. Furthermore, it was revealed that she was enrolled in classes on June 19, 2023, and graduated from the 4-year psychology faculty on the same day, receiving her diploma.

The police also noted that Gazitepe submitted the diploma she obtained on August 28, 2023, to the Turkish Embassy and the Ministry of Education for approval. They further stated that an investigation would be conducted to determine whether she presented the diploma to her workplace at the time.

The police requested Gazitepe to remain in custody for 2 days, citing the need for further evidence and statements.

After evaluating the evidence presented, Judge Zehra YalkutBilgeç ordered Gazitepe to remain in custody for 2 days.

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