reading time: 3 min.

Russian Citizen Faces Charges for Obtaining Fake Diploma in Cyprus

Russian Citizen Faces Charges for Obtaining Fake Diploma in Cyprus

Anastasia Morozova, who obtained a fake diploma from the Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University (CHSSU), was brought before the Nicosia District Court yesterday.

Publish Date: 29/04/24 16:17
reading time: 3 min.
Russian Citizen Faces Charges for Obtaining Fake Diploma in Cyprus
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Police officer Ali Erdelhun presented the facts in court. The police stated that based on a complaint filed by the authorities of the Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University, the suspect was shown as registered on September 10, 2019. However, it was revealed that on November 4, 2023, the suspect was recorded to have completed 67 courses and graduated from the nursing faculty in one day.

The police mentioned that they visited the suspect's home on April 25 but found no diploma or transcript during the search. It was disclosed that during questioning, the suspect confessed to giving her diploma to her neighbor out of fear. The police stated that the diploma given to the neighbor was found and taken as evidence. Additionally, the police reported that as a result of the investigation, it was discovered that on December 11, 2023, the suspect applied for and became a member of the Cyprus Turkish Midwives and Nurses Association by issuing a fake document.

The police conveyed that the suspect claimed in her statement that she never attended school or attended classes. Furthermore, it was revealed that the suspect stated she obtained the diploma from Serdal Gündüz, who is currently in prison.

Moreover, the police noted that Gündüz admitted to assisting in the suspect's application to the Cyprus Turkish Midwives and Nurses Association. It was also mentioned that an investigation was initiated against the suspect in 2023 for unauthorized possession of goods, and she was released on bail. The police requested bail, stating that the suspect is a Russian citizen and resides in the country due to her spouse's high-income individual status.

Judge Zehra YalkutBilgeç, after evaluating the testimony presented, issued an order prohibiting the suspect from leaving the country, requiring her to report to the authorities twice a week, depositing a cash bond of 250,000 TL, and having a guarantor sign a bail bond of one million TL.

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