reading time: 3 min.

Asım Akansoy: The Struggle for a Solution is the Fight for the Existence of Turkish Cypriots

Asım Akansoy: The Struggle for a Solution is the Fight for the Existence of Turkish Cypriots

Secretary-General of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), Asım Akansoy, emphasized that their primary concern is the future of Turkish Cypriots, stating, "The struggle for a solution is the fight for the existence of Turkish Cypriots."

Publish Date: 17/05/24 14:06
reading time: 3 min.
Asım Akansoy: The Struggle for a Solution is the Fight for the Existence of Turkish Cypriots
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In an interview with Baykan Gürses on BRT, Akansoy expressed their desire to establish a high standard of living, safety, and equality in Cyprus. "We want a just and equal order under a federation where Turkish Cypriots will have the same rights as Greek Cypriots," he said.

"Holguín is Not an Ordinary UN Official"

Akansoy highlighted that Maria Angela Holguín visited the island as the personal representative of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. He noted that they had the chance to meet and evaluate the situation with Holguín, who listened and questioned attentively. Akansoy emphasized that Holguín could not be considered just another UN official, indicating her deliberate steps and her potential future candidacy for the UN Secretary-General position. He questioned why Holguín was not assisted and why steps were not taken to open dialogue.

"There is No Other Ground than the UN"

Akansoy reiterated that if the parties want a solution, they must adhere to the Security Council's decisions and accept the basis of negotiations under a federation. "There is no other ground than the UN," he stated, underscoring that the basis for solving the problem lies in the UNSC decisions. He recalled the agreements reached in the negotiations between 2006 and 2017, insisting that these agreements should be preserved and built upon.

"The Turkish Cypriot People Want the Uncertainty to End"

Akansoy stressed that they are talking about a solution based on the equality of Turkish Cypriots. "The Turkish Cypriot people want the uncertainty on the island to end," he said, pointing out that the majority of Turkish Cypriots support a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality. He criticized the current policy as "insecure and confusing," questioning what Turkish Cypriots have gained during Ersin Tatar's tenure.

"Tatar's Intentions are Unclear"

Akansoy emphasized that the CTP has always been constructive, accusing Ersin Tatar of acting with a "my way or the highway" mentality. He noted that they are not trying to create chaos but that Tatar's intentions are unclear, and his approach does not lead anywhere. Akansoy mentioned their meetings with Greek Cypriot political parties, stressing the importance of the dialogue table, which Tatar has neglected.

In conclusion, Akansoy stated, "Our concern is the future of Turkish Cypriots. Our children are emigrating. We want to establish a high standard of living, safety, justice, and equality in Cyprus. Turkish Cypriots will have the same rights as Greek Cypriots under a federation. The struggle for a solution is the fight for the existence of Turkish Cypriots."

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