reading time: 1 min.

Erhan Arıklı to Sue Mustafa Naimoğulları for Defamation

Erhan Arıklı to Sue Mustafa Naimoğulları for Defamation

Minister of Public Works and Transport Erhan Arıklı has announced plans to file a defamation lawsuit against Mustafa Naimoğulları, the President of the Livestock Producers and Breeders Association. Arıklı claims that Naimoğulları has spread false accusations about him. Arıklı stated, "I will file a lawsuit and distribute the compensation to citizens waiting for affordable meat."

Publish Date: 24/05/24 11:35
reading time: 1 min.
Erhan Arıklı to Sue Mustafa Naimoğulları for Defamation
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In a statement on his social media account, Minister Arıklı provided details about his legal actions:

"First to the Police, Then to Court..."

"The President of the Livestock Producers and Breeders Association made unbelievable and vile accusations against me yesterday.

To prove these vile accusations, I will first file a complaint against this individual, named Naimoğlu, with the police this morning. Then, I will file a substantial compensation lawsuit against him.

Every penny I receive from this individual will be distributed to poor citizens waiting for affordable meat.

Respectfully announced to the public..."

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