reading time: 1 min.

Animal Cruelty at Livestock Producers' Protest Sparks Outrage Among Animal Rights Activists

Animal Cruelty at Livestock Producers' Protest Sparks Outrage Among Animal Rights Activists

On the fourth day of the Livestock Producers and Breeders Association's protest, disturbing scenes of cruelty towards young goats have triggered widespread condemnation from animal rights activists. Footage of the abuse during the protest has drawn significant backlash.

Publish Date: 24/05/24 11:38
reading time: 1 min.
Animal Cruelty at Livestock Producers' Protest Sparks Outrage Among Animal Rights Activists
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In response to the incident, the Golden Paws Association issued a statement saying, "This is not how you seek justice! This is a clear violation of the Animal Welfare Law... While we wait for improvements to the Penal Code, the existing laws are not being enforced."

The Cyprus Animal Rights Association also expressed their outrage, stating, "This is not the way to demand rights! When it comes to 'humans', normalizing violence and anger is unacceptable... One cannot seek justice by torturing a living being!"

The Animal Rights Committee of the Cyprus Turkish Bar Association released a statement questioning the authorities: “Today, during a protest where rights are being demanded, a crime according to the Animal Welfare Law has been committed right in front of all the officials! So, what do you, the institutions responsible for animal welfare, plan to do about it?”

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