reading time: 2 min.

Tufan Erhürman: "Aren't You Tired of Cold War Tactics?"

Tufan Erhürman: "Aren't You Tired of Cold War Tactics?"

Tufan Erhürman, leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), has criticized recent statements by officials, describing them as "Cold War tactics." Addressing the ongoing protest by animal producers and the issue of meat prices in the country, Erhürman refuted claims that CTP was behind the protest, dismissing them as absurd.

Publish Date: 24/05/24 14:44
reading time: 2 min.
Tufan Erhürman: "Aren't You Tired of Cold War Tactics?"
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In his social media post, Erhürman stated: "Claims that CTP is behind the protest or that CTP opposes people eating affordable meat are utter nonsense. Those who cannot properly communicate with their own country's livestock farmers, restaurant owners, and butchers, and who always avoid dialogue, are resorting to familiar Cold War tactics again.

Suggesting that livestock farmers, unionists, and others lack the intelligence to act without CTP’s directives is not only false but also insulting. Are you aware that this is an insult to these people? Moreover, the same people who criticize every journalist, every union, and every civil society organization that takes a critical stance are the ones making these claims.

Wondering where CTP stands? While no one is obliged to follow us, if you're going to talk about us, you should at least listen to and read what we've been saying. You will realize that without knowing the population, speaking with data, and planning and developing production and the economy in this country, no solution can be produced. The 20 tons of frozen meat to be imported in a month will not lower prices at all. Despite your distortions and propaganda efforts, we explain that this decision, opposed by farmers, butchers, and restaurant owners, is illogical and senseless.

You are not tired of Cold War tactics and will never tire of them because you know no other way. But eventually, you will understand that these tactics do not work on us or our people! They never will."

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