reading time: 2 min.

4 Imported, 1 Local Product Found with Excessive Pesticides

4 Imported, 1 Local Product Found with Excessive Pesticides

The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources has released the results of food inspections, revealing that out of 30 samples taken from imported products, 26 were clean while 4 exceeded the limit for pesticide residue.

Publish Date: 24/05/24 15:05
reading time: 2 min.
4 Imported, 1 Local Product Found with Excessive Pesticides
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The Ministry disclosed the outcomes of food inspections conducted between May 17th and May 23rd. Samples were collected from both imported and local products, analyzed at the State Laboratory, and evaluated according to European Union pesticide limits.

While 26 out of 30 samples from imported products were deemed clean, 4 samples exceeded the permissible level for pesticide residue.

An excessive amount of pesticide residue was found in Golden apples from Non Foods Ltd, and the product was returned to its origin upon the company's request.

First and second-grade apples from İşleyen Kardeşler had excessive pesticide residue, and these products were also returned to their origin at the company's request.

Excessive pesticide residue was detected in cherry tomatoes from Done Birleşik Mağ. Trd., and the product was destroyed upon the company's request.

Out of 22 samples from local products, 21 were clean, while 1 sample exceeded the limit for pesticide residue.

Tomatoes owned by Oktay Başman from Famagusta were found with excessive pesticide residue, leading to the suspension of harvest until the next laboratory analysis.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources emphasized its commitment to continuing inspections to ensure food safety.

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