reading time: 3 min.

Hakan Fidan: "Reaching 150 Recognitions for Palestine is Extremely Important"

Hakan Fidan: "Reaching 150 Recognitions for Palestine is Extremely Important"

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan emphasized the significance of 150 countries recognizing Palestine as a state, urging the United Nations Security Council to do the same. Speaking in Brussels, Fidan highlighted the importance of this recognition for international law and human conscience.

Publish Date: 27/05/24 14:14
reading time: 3 min.
Hakan Fidan: "Reaching 150 Recognitions for Palestine is Extremely Important"
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Fidan participated in three significant meetings about Palestine in Brussels, noting that these meetings, jointly organized by the European Union member states and the Palestine Contact Group, aimed to raise awareness about the Palestinian issue. He mentioned that Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa presented at the first meeting, detailing the financial and administrative crises faced by the Ramallah administration due to the Israeli occupation.

Fidan stressed the growing international sympathy and support for the Palestinian cause, noting that the primary message is not just to support Palestine but to ensure its freedom and sovereignty. He argued that true support would enable Palestine to establish its state and economy independently.

The second meeting, which had a more strategic agenda, focused on practical steps towards Palestine's statehood, especially following the recognition by Spain, Norway, Ireland, and Slovenia. Fidan underscored that the recognition by these countries raised the number of states recognizing Palestine to 150, a crucial milestone.

He stated, "It is essential for the United Nations Security Council to recognize a structure that 150 countries already acknowledge as a state. This is a requirement of international law and human conscience. If a state recognized by 150 countries is rejected by a single vote in the Security Council, it will deepen the crisis in the international system."

Fidan urged countries to treat Palestine as a real state, following Turkey's example, despite the Security Council's position. This includes opening embassies, providing economic aid, and engaging in diplomatic relations, even though Palestine is under occupation and cannot exercise its full economic and political freedom.

Fidan criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attempts to erase the 1967 borders from global consciousness, stating that the world has started to reject this illusion and propaganda since October 7. He assured that Turkey, along with its allies, would continue to professionally and systematically push back against these efforts.

Fidan announced plans to visit Spain with the Contact Group to congratulate the country and deliver a significant message to the world about Palestine's statehood. He concluded by reaffirming Turkey's unwavering commitment to supporting Palestine's journey towards statehood and peace in the Middle East.

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