reading time: 3 min.

Erdal Güven: Erdoğan Uses the Term 'Solution' for Cyprus After Years

Erdal Güven: Erdoğan Uses the Term 'Solution' for Cyprus After Years

Journalist Erdal Güven has highlighted that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has recently used the term 'solution' in reference to Cyprus after a long hiatus.

Publish Date: 03/06/24 13:56
reading time: 3 min.
Erdal Güven: Erdoğan Uses the Term 'Solution' for Cyprus After Years
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During the "Mağusalı Conversations" event organized by the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) in Famagusta, Güven remarked on Turkey's recent minor activities regarding the Cyprus issue, indicating an ongoing exercise.

According to a statement from CTP, Güven noted, "If asked whether the peace process might restart, I am less pessimistic than I was 2-3 months ago."

Referring to the press conference following the meeting between Erdoğan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Ankara, Güven pointed out that Erdoğan, for the first time in years, did not mention the concept of "two states" while discussing a solution for Cyprus.

The event, which covered topics such as Turkey's local elections, foreign policy, and the country's direction, featured Erdal Güven sharing his insights and answering questions from participants. The gathering was held at the CTP Famagusta District Office and was attended by CTP General Secretary and Gazimağusa MP Asım Akansoy, CTP MPs Teberrüken Uluçay, Erkut Şahali, Şifa Çolakoğlu, Gazimağusa Mayor Dr. Süleyman Uluçay, CTP Famagusta District President Oktay Kayalp, CTP Women's Organization Famagusta District President Mine Karaca, and various district executives and municipal council members. In his opening remarks, Oktay Kayalp thanked Erdal Güven for participating and shared details about the event.

Güven also evaluated the results of the local elections in Turkey during his speech. He observed that while there appears to be a softening in political rhetoric post-elections, no such softening is evident on the ground. Discussing the recent developments in the Cyprus issue, he reiterated that Erdoğan, after the meeting with Mitsotakis, refrained from mentioning "two states" and instead spoke of a solution for the first time in years. Güven acknowledged some movement on the issue but was uncertain about the direction it would take.

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