reading time: 2 min.

İmamoğlu: Cyprus is Vital and a Shared Cause

İmamoğlu: Cyprus is Vital and a Shared Cause

İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu emphasized that the Cyprus issue is extremely important for Turkey and should not be used as a tool in political debates.

Publish Date: 24/07/24 14:42
reading time: 2 min.
İmamoğlu: Cyprus is Vital and a Shared Cause
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Speaking at the reception organized by the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality on the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, İmamoğlu said, "The Cyprus issue is an extremely important matter for Turkey and should not be used as political material. This is a shared cause for all of us."

At the reception commemorating the '50th Anniversary of the July 20th Peace and Freedom Day,' hosted by the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, President Ersin Tatar, 1st Army Commander General Ali Sivri, İBB Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, civil society organizations, and veterans were present. The event began with the national anthem, followed by a moment of silence for the Cyprus martyrs and Rauf Raif Denktaş, and opening speeches.

İmamoğlu highlighted the significance of the Cyprus issue in Turkey's foreign policy, stating, "The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is important due to our historical ties and close relations from the past, and Turkey will always stand by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The Cyprus issue should be addressed without being used as political leverage. This is a shared cause for all of us. We must continue to work together to defend the interests of the Turkish Cypriots and the Republic of Turkey."

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