reading time: 3 min.

Zorlu Töre: I Hope for Recognition in 2025

Zorlu Töre: I Hope for Recognition in 2025

Parliament Speaker Zorlu Töre expressed optimism that recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) could come onto the agenda in 2025, pointing to recent engagements with Azerbaijan.

Publish Date: 26/07/24 13:25
reading time: 3 min.
Zorlu Töre: I Hope for Recognition in 2025
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In a statement from the Parliament, Töre discussed these developments during a live broadcast on Akit TV, where he responded to questions from journalist Murat Şahin.

Töre stated, "Our President, our Prime Minister, and delegations have been traveling to Azerbaijan. There are meetings and visits. I hope that soon, perhaps in 2025, recognition will be on the agenda."

During the program, Töre addressed various topics including the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Cyprus Peace Operation, the political agenda of the TRNC, efforts by Turkish states to recognize the TRNC, and the issue of Varosha.

Töre remarked, "I refer to the Cyprus Operation as the ‘20 July Peace Operation’ because it was not just a mere operation. It brought security and peace to the people of Cyprus. We went through many phases on the island of Cyprus until that day. Cyprus was conquered by the Ottomans in 1571. We have been there since then. In 1878, the Ottoman army withdrew from the island, leaving the administration to the British, but we stayed because it was a temporary administration. However, the British exploited this and turned it into their colony. The Ottomans could not return to the island. The Turkish Cypriots stood guard there on behalf of the Turkish nation."


Töre continued:

"Five Azerbaijani MPs attended the 50th-anniversary celebrations. They were very enthusiastic and excited. It’s not easy, 50 years have passed, and the Turkish Cypriot people are now free, independent, and living in security. There is a Turkish state in the north of Cyprus.

Our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed the people of Cyprus and gave tremendous messages. He said that the federation system is over, and now there are two states. If there is to be one state, it will be the Turkish state. He also called for the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. This message was given for the first time. This is a significant event for us.

Our President, our Prime Minister, and delegations have been traveling to Azerbaijan. There are meetings and visits. I hope that soon, perhaps in 2025, recognition will be on the agenda. Currently, there are many visits to Azerbaijan at both the diplomatic and civil society levels. Hopefully, this will also happen with other Turkic republics. Azerbaijan is like a gateway to other Turkic republics in the Caucasus. Azerbaijan has already taken the lead in this matter. More will follow.

Pakistan is also showing great interest and concern. We thank them very much. Our future is undoubtedly bright."

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