reading time: 3 min.

Ceyhun Kırok: Half of Deaths in Çatalköy are Due to Cancer

Ceyhun Kırok: Half of Deaths in Çatalköy are Due to Cancer

Ceyhun Kırok, Mayor of Çatalköy - Esentepe Municipality, has raised alarming concerns about the high incidence of cancer-related deaths in Çatalköy.

Publish Date: 26/07/24 13:38
reading time: 3 min.
Ceyhun Kırok: Half of Deaths in Çatalköy are Due to Cancer
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According to Kırok, half of the deaths in Çatalköy are due to cancer, and since the beginning of 2024, at least fourteen individuals within the municipality's boundaries have died from cancer.

In a social media post, Kırok highlighted the growing cancer cases in the region and pointed to the Teknecik Power Plant as a possible cause. He emphasized the need for immediate action to address the pollution from the plant, which he believes is contributing to the health crisis.

Kırok's Statement:

"For years, the unresolved issue of the Teknecik Power Plant's toxic emissions has been poisoning the entire region. How many more lives must be lost before action is taken?

Last week alone, we buried six people in five days in Çatalköy, with half of the deaths resulting from cancer. Since the start of 2024, at least fourteen individuals have died from cancer within the Çatalköy - Esentepe Municipality.

So, what are we waiting for?

There must be a reason for the increased cancer cases, particularly in certain areas.

In one neighborhood, 12 out of 15 houses have reported cancer cases; even people living in the same household have succumbed to different types of cancer.

Despite this situation, no official or institution is making any effort to investigate the underlying causes.

Our Proposal:

We must collaborate with the Ministry of Health and universities with medical faculties to map the cancer incidence in the region. We are ready to work with all institutions willing to support us in this matter.

My questions are very clear:

Is the real reason behind the rising cancer cases in our region the toxic emissions from the Teknecik Power Plant?

Why are the causes of cancer and other diseases in our area not being investigated?

How many countries in the world produce electricity in this manner, and what measures are they taking?

How long can this situation continue?

It is long past time to find a solution. Without further endangering people's health, necessary research and measures must be taken. We urge the authorities not to ignore this issue and to take immediate action.

We must put an end to this problem with realistic and effective solutions as soon as possible."

Kırok's call for action highlights the urgent need for comprehensive research and immediate measures to address the health crisis in Çatalköy.

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