reading time: 3 min.

Erhürman: "The People Will Show Their Existential Reflex, Early Elections Are Inevitable"

Erhürman: "The People Will Show Their Existential Reflex, Early Elections Are Inevitable"

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman appeared on Hakikat Web TV with Ümit Bahşi, where he discussed a range of topics including economic management, tourism, higher education, and energy policies. Erhürman highlighted the growing economic instability, the governance void, and the mounting issues in the country, emphasizing that early elections are inevitable.

Publish Date: 04/10/24 13:58
reading time: 3 min.
Erhürman: "The People Will Show Their Existential Reflex, Early Elections Are Inevitable"
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Pointing out that the country is not being governed in any sector, Erhürman said that in anticipation of rising exchange rates, people are adding a "safety margin" to their prices, further driving up costs. He recalled his previous proposal for a “stable currency-based accounting system,” which was rejected without any alternative solutions. He criticized the four-monthly cost-of-living adjustments, noting that every time the minimum wage rises, prices follow suit, creating a vicious cycle. "As soon as the minimum wage goes up, prices rise, and as prices increase, the cost of living increases. We're trapped in a vicious cycle," he said.

Economy in the South

Erhürman also expressed concern about the struggling tourism sector, saying, "Nine months ago, we were calling for more crossing points to be opened, but now our people are going to the other side." He stressed the difficulty of attracting tourists to North Cyprus, which has become an expensive destination, pointing to the high cost of airfares and the lack of direct flights as major obstacles. He also touched on the cost-of-living issue, noting that South Cyprus has become cheaper, with even basic items like stationery being bought from the South. Erhürman highlighted the seriousness of the situation with the statement, "Even the President of the Chamber of Commerce said, 'May God help those who cannot cross to the South.'"

The Country Is Not Being Governed

Erhürman criticized the tourism ministry for failing to achieve any significant progress despite being led by the same minister for years. He noted the lack of diversification in tourism, such as eco-tourism options, and expressed concern about scandals in the higher education sector, which are harming the country. Regarding the recent 15% hike in electricity prices, Erhürman pointed out that this increase came right after the party congress. He blamed poor governance for costing the country millions of dollars, citing the use of non-tendered fuel and unqualified staff hiring as examples of the waste. "Even the maintenance of machines was neglected, all these problems are the result of poor management," Erhürman added.

Early Elections Are Inevitable

Concluding his remarks, Erhürman emphasized the governance void and urged the public to take action, stating, "The people will show their reflex when the time comes." He underscored the necessity of early elections and expressed concern that young people are already looking to emigrate.

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