reading time: 2 min.

Democrat Party: Opposition is Trying to Exploit Existing Issues

Democrat Party: Opposition is Trying to Exploit Existing Issues

The Democrat Party has responded to calls for early elections following the Parliamentary Speaker election, stating that the opposition is attempting to turn current problems into an opportunity. The party emphasized that the country's economic and political conditions are not suitable for early elections at this time.

Publish Date: 09/10/24 13:14
reading time: 2 min.
Democrat Party: Opposition is Trying to Exploit Existing Issues
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In its statement, the party criticized the main opposition for being disconnected from societal issues and priorities by trying to capitalize on current challenges. "What we need now is for both the government and the opposition to focus on producing solutions to the country's problems. Particularly, addressing the economic contraction and rising cost of living requires joint discussions and solutions within Parliament," the statement read.

Highlighting that the Parliament is the key institution for debating societal issues and finding solutions in accordance with democratic traditions, the Democrat Party warned that obstructing parliamentary functions undermines the nation's representation and democracy.

The party called on all political parties to act with common sense and work together for the benefit of the country. It also stressed that the country's economic structure is not capable of handling early elections and urged for immediate efforts to address societal issues.

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