reading time: 2 min.

Hasipoğlu: "Greek Cypriots Never See Us as Equal Partners"

Hasipoğlu: "Greek Cypriots Never See Us as Equal Partners"

UBP MP and Secretary-General Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu expressed frustration that Greek Cypriots continue to view Turkish Cypriots as a minority rather than equal counterparts.

Publish Date: 14/10/24 17:05
reading time: 2 min.
Hasipoğlu: "Greek Cypriots Never See Us as Equal Partners"
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Speaking after the Inter-Parliamentary Union's (IPU) 149th General Assembly in Geneva, Hasipoğlu emphasized that the Greek Cypriot side consistently rejects collaboration with Turkish Cypriots as equals, saying, "They see us as a minority."

The assembly included a meeting of the Cyprus Facilitators Group, attended by Hasipoğlu and CTP MP Fikri Toros, representing the Republic's Parliament. Five representatives from the Greek Cypriot Parliament also participated in the meeting.

Hasipoğlu noted that the group aims to gather the perspectives of MPs and contribute to the Cyprus issue while fostering inter-parliamentary cooperation. While the discussions were constructive, Hasipoğlu highlighted how Greek Cypriots rejected a proposal by Swiss MP Laurent Wehrli, who suggested cooperation on climate change, natural disasters, and EU harmonization laws.

"We supported this proposal, but the Greek side rejected it. Even the Swiss and Portuguese MPs were surprised and disappointed by their refusal," Hasipoğlu said. He added that this incident further illustrates the Turkish Cypriots' rightful demand for sovereign equality and equal international status.

Hasipoğlu emphasized the importance of dialogue but reiterated that negotiations cannot proceed without the acceptance of equal status for the Turkish Cypriot side. The event, he said, underscored the Greek Cypriots' unwillingness to treat Turkish Cypriots as equals.

The Turkish Cypriot delegation also met with Turkish Grand National Assembly Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş during their time in Geneva.

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