reading time: 4 min.

Erhürman: "None of the Parties Want the Process to Completely Collapse"

Erhürman: "None of the Parties Want the Process to Completely Collapse"

Leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), Tufan Erhürman, stated that recent developments show that none of the involved parties want the peace process to completely collapse.

Publish Date: 17/10/24 14:28
reading time: 4 min.
Erhürman: "None of the Parties Want the Process to Completely Collapse"
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Erhürman, accompanied by party members including General Secretary Fikri Toros and MPs Filiz Besim, Ürün Solyalı, and Erdoğan Sorakın, met with civil society and union representatives in Nicosia this morning to discuss his observations from New York and his thoughts on the Cyprus problem and peace-building efforts.

During his opening remarks at the meeting, which took place at Eziç Restaurant, Erhürman emphasized that their New York trip was part of their participation in the Socialist International, of which they’ve been a full member since 2014. He added that the focus on "peace process architecture" at this year's meeting was especially relevant to the Cyprus issue.

Negotiating for a Solution

Erhürman reiterated his party’s position that a solution must be found within the framework of UN Security Council resolutions, supporting a bizonal, bicommunal federation. He stressed that any future negotiations must not be just for the sake of dialogue but aimed at a concrete outcome.

Reflecting on past negotiations, Erhürman pointed out that political equality has always been a central issue, often causing stumbling blocks. He highlighted that many Greek Cypriot leaders have expressed difficulty in justifying a federal structure to their people, fearing the shared decision-making process.

Four Proposals to Kickstart Negotiations

Erhürman outlined four key suggestions to break the deadlock:

  1. Begin negotiations by accepting a rotating presidency.
  2. Set a clear time frame for the negotiations.
  3. Resume discussions from where they left off, focusing on concrete solutions rather than starting from scratch.
  4. Ensure the UN stipulates that there will be no return to the status quo if talks fail due to the Greek Cypriot side’s reluctance.

These suggestions, according to Erhürman, are not preconditions but based on previous UN positions. He noted that none of the international counterparts they met in New York had rejected these ideas outright.

Positive Outlook on Dialogue

Erhürman emphasized that they view all forms of dialogue positively and that diplomatic engagement remains crucial. He also expressed skepticism about the TRNC President Ersin Tatar's "two-state solution" or "sovereign equality" proposals, noting they currently lack international acceptance.

Commenting on the dinner meeting between Tatar and Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Christodoulides hosted by the UN, Erhürman said that while the dinner was informal, it showed that diplomacy and dialogue are the only viable paths forward.

He welcomed UN Secretary-General António Guterres' announcement of a more extensive meeting in the future, affirming that the Turkish Cypriot community must remain an active participant in diplomatic efforts. Erhürman also pointed to recent Turkey-Greece rapprochement efforts, highlighting the significance of such developments for the region.

In conclusion, Erhürman stated, "The events have shown that none of the parties want the process to completely collapse," emphasizing the importance of continued dialogue and negotiations.

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