reading time: 10 min.

Ersin Tatar: Guterres Proposed Pardon for Simon Aykut, Christodoulides Was Left Speechless

Ersin Tatar: Guterres Proposed Pardon for Simon Aykut, Christodoulides Was Left Speechless

President Ersin Tatar revealed that during the informal trilateral dinner, he brought up the issue of businessman Simon Aykut, who is imprisoned in South Cyprus. Tatar stated that UN Secretary-General António Guterres proposed a pardon for Aykut, while Greek Cypriot Leader Nikos Christodoulides was left stunned.

Publish Date: 18/10/24 11:40
reading time: 10 min.
Ersin Tatar: Guterres Proposed Pardon for Simon Aykut, Christodoulides Was Left Speechless
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President Tatar also mentioned that in his meeting with Guterres and Christodoulides on October 15 in New York, hosted by the UN Secretary-General, he reiterated that the Turkish Cypriots would not return to formal negotiations unless their equal sovereign rights are recognized.

Tatar remarked, "The Cyprus issue has been ongoing for 61 years, and negotiations have been ongoing for 56 years. It was clear that no solution would come from this dinner. The UN Secretary-General said, 'The menu for tonight’s dinner may not be good, but the view is nice.' I replied, 'The real view is on our side; I’ll go to the Türkevi for that.' The dinner had no substance. He referred to the 'Republic of Cyprus.' I emphasized the 'two-state solution.' Guterres then suggested, 'Let's focus on building trust among the people.'"

Tatar shared these insights during a briefing to media representatives in New York, including VOA Turkish, about what transpired during the informal meeting on Cyprus. Tatar stated that Guterres confirmed there was no basis for formal negotiations on the island. However, Guterres urged efforts to be made on steps that would ease people’s lives, such as opening new crossing points between the two sides. Tatar added, "The UN Secretary-General is already exhausted. Should he deal with Gaza, Ukraine, or Cyprus? No one should expect a solution in Cyprus anytime soon."

Tatar highlighted that while Guterres called for “confidence-building measures,” the Turkish Cypriots expect solutions to their problems. "Our people have been marginalized and isolated since 1964. We have been experiencing these issues long before 1974. Our football team hasn’t played on the international stage for 61 years," Tatar stated.

Guterres’ Disappointment in Crans-Montana, Tatar’s “The Real Culprit” Remark

Tatar also mentioned that Guterres expressed disappointment about the failure of the 2017 negotiations held in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, after two years of official talks. Referring to Christodoulides, who was an advisor to the Greek Cypriot presidency at the time, Tatar pointed to him and said, "The real culprit is here."

Tatar explained that although the negotiations were led by then-Greek Cypriot Leader Nikos Anastasiades, it was actually Christodoulides who prevented a compromise. "The UN Secretary-General said that Anastasiades walked away from the table. But I pointed out, 'The real culprit is here.' In a way, he was elected because he helped derail Crans-Montana. No one should expect a solution soon," Tatar said.

The negotiations in Crans-Montana in 2017, involving multiple parties, ended without any results after 10 days.

"Even the UK Maintains Sovereignty, We Will Not Be Reduced to a Minority"

Tatar revealed that during the dinner in New York, Guterres suggested another meeting on Cyprus, potentially in a 4+1 format, meaning with the UN hosting both Turkish and Greek Cypriots alongside the guarantors, Turkey and Greece. However, Tatar said Christodoulides insisted on involving the UK in the talks.

Tatar criticized the Greek Cypriot side's insistence on bringing the UK into the process, stating, "We will not become a minority within the 'Republic of Cyprus.' At this point, we cannot resolve this issue through submission. For example, the British maintain sovereignty on the island. How is that fair? Accept our sovereignty, and then we can negotiate."

Tatar said that Christodoulides frequently used the Republic of Cyprus’s EU membership as leverage and insisted that the EU should also be involved in any talks. Tatar explained his response during the dinner: "The people here see us as equal leaders. But why are you blocking me on the international stage? We know that the Greek Cypriots pressure countries negotiating with us, telling them, 'Let me get you a meeting in Brussels.' Do they think we’re children?"

Tatar continued, "The EU’s refusal to recognize us is their shame. They claim to be working to reconcile two equal parties in Cyprus, but their true intention is to make us a subordinate of South Cyprus. The Greek Cypriots argue that there is only one 'sovereign Cypriot identity.' Therefore, they want to take us back even before 1960. They claim to be defending the 'Republic of Cyprus' but ignore the foundational Turkish presence. What are we supposed to negotiate? Land, property, our relationship with our homeland, our security? That’s why we insist on Turkey’s guarantor role."

"Guterres Proposed Pardon for Simon Aykut, Christodoulides Was Left Speechless"

TRNC President Tatar also shared that he raised the issue of Simon Aykut, a businessman detained in South Cyprus for allegedly conducting “illegal activities on occupied territory,” during the dinner in New York. Tatar said: "At dinner, I said, ‘The detention of Simon Aykut is wrong. It’s inhumane and unacceptable. You are holding a 74-year-old man.’ There can be no greater sin than this. Christodoulides responded, ‘I cannot interfere with the judiciary.’ I replied, ‘This man has been doing business for 20 years. You cannot arrest him for political reasons.’ Guterres then expressed his discomfort and suggested a pardon. Christodoulides was left speechless. He only said, ‘Even the President of Israel called me about this, but I can’t do anything.’"

"We Won't Give Up Turkey's Guarantor Role, and We Are Founders of the Republic of Cyprus"

Tatar mentioned that since Greece is already an EU member, Christodoulides has been trying to bring the EU to the table as a guarantor, aiming to exclude Turkey from future negotiations and from Cyprus.

Tatar continued, "At dinner, Christodoulides said, ‘Once you sign, Turkey’s guarantor role will end since it’s not an EU member.’ We cannot accept this. We will not give up Turkey's guarantor role. The Turkish military is here, though you may not see it in the partnership, and it will act if necessary. That's why we are insisting on sovereign equality. A state has existed here for 60 years—with its judiciary, bureaucracy, parliament, democracy, and civil society. Beyond recognition, we demand the confirmation of our sovereign equality. Our sovereignty is as legitimate as that of the Greek Cypriots because there are two equal founders of the Republic of Cyprus. Population is not a criterion here; two peoples exist."

Criticism of CTP Leader Erhürman: "Saying I Don't Represent Turkish Cypriots Is Treason"

Tatar emphasized that without Turkey, the Cyprus issue cannot be solved, and they expect positive responses from countries like Azerbaijan and Pakistan to Turkish President Erdoğan’s call for recognition of the TRNC.

When asked about the opposition leader, Tufan Erhürman of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), who has emphasized "political equality" and "federation," Tatar criticized him. He said that Erhürman, like previous leaders Mehmet Ali Talat and Mustafa Akıncı, is making a mistake by advocating for federation.

Tatar added, "Rauf Denktaş negotiated for 30 years and couldn’t solve it with a federation, yet Talat and Akıncı thought they could solve it in three months. Erhürman says these things just to become president."

Elected as the UBP candidate, Tatar stated, "They talk about political equality but not about sovereignty. It was the last chance with the Annan Plan. They don’t see you as an essential partner; they consider you a minority. Unfortunately, they are dividing us from within. We need to unite. Erhürman goes around saying, ‘Ersin Tatar is Turkey’s man.’ They are undermining me. This is treason. I am the elected president. The people chose me. But they say, ‘He doesn’t represent the Turkish Cypriots.’ That’s treason."

Opposition to the Truth and Reconciliation Committee: "They Blame Us for Those They Killed Themselves"

Tatar rejected Christodoulides’ proposal for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, stating, "Who will accuse whom? We can’t trust such a commission. Before 1974, they killed the Turkish Cypriots. During their coup, they even killed their own people and now try to blame the Turkish soldiers and us."

Tatar noted that Christodoulides proposed joint efforts for the youth on the island but warned that the Greek Cypriot side may have ulterior motives, such as trying to influence civil society and lure Turkish Cypriots in different directions through EU projects. "We have Ankara. We can go to Ankara," he said.

Tatar also criticized the Greek Cypriot side’s failure to address the rights of children born to parents from Turkey who arrived after 1974, saying, "Since 1974, many children have been born here to parents from Turkey. Yet these children cannot obtain EU passports, nor can they cross to the South. This is a violation of human rights. They persist in this unfairness to discriminate against us."

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