reading time: 2 min.

Üstel: "The Isias Hotel Case Should Serve as an Example for All of Turkey"

Üstel: "The Isias Hotel Case Should Serve as an Example for All of Turkey"

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel emphasized the ongoing pursuit of justice for the lives lost in the February 6 earthquake disaster. He expressed hope that the ruling in the Isias Hotel case in Adıyaman, where many lives were lost, would set an example for preventing similar tragedies across Turkey.

Publish Date: 22/10/24 11:42
reading time: 2 min.
Üstel: "The Isias Hotel Case Should Serve as an Example for All of Turkey"
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Üstel highlighted the immense pain caused by the disaster, stating that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was engulfed in deep mourning during this period. Speaking ahead of the fourth hearing in the case of the "champion angels" and 75 other victims who died at Isias Hotel, he reiterated the importance of justice.

"As the TRNC, life came to a standstill that day. We united, rising above politics, and today, we are here together in large numbers," Üstel said, underscoring their faith in the Turkish justice system. He stressed that the losses at the Isias Hotel were not just the result of a natural disaster, but were exacerbated by human negligence, laws being disregarded, and regulations not being followed.

"We will never forget the pain of losing our children. We expect justice to be served," Üstel said, adding that the verdict should not be limited to this single case but should serve as a precedent across Turkey to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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