reading time: 3 min.

Defense Attorneys in İsias Hotel Case Request Release of Defendants

Defense Attorneys in İsias Hotel Case Request Release of Defendants

During the fourth hearing of the İsias Hotel case at Adıyaman 3rd High Criminal Court, defense attorneys requested the release of their clients. The lawyers argued that their clients' judicial control should be lifted, and the court should await expert reports before making further decisions.

Publish Date: 22/10/24 13:17
reading time: 3 min.
Defense Attorneys in İsias Hotel Case Request Release of Defendants
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Erdem Yıldız's Defense

The lawyer for architect Erdem Yıldız stated that there was no connection between his client and the municipality, emphasizing that Yıldız was abroad during the time when his signature on the architectural project was allegedly made. The attorney argued that Yıldız could not be held responsible for any work done after 2003, when his involvement in the project ended, and called for the release of his client, stating that no further reports were necessary for this decision.

Another of Yıldız's attorneys claimed that signatures on the reports prepared by Karadeniz Technical University were falsified and requested a criminal investigation into the experts involved. The lawyer also questioned Yıldız’s responsibility, stating that none of the architectural work Yıldız did remained after later renovations.

Bozkurt Family's Defense

The defense for Ahmet Bozkurt and Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt argued that the continued detention of their clients had turned into punishment rather than a precaution. They requested their release, questioning the testing methods used for the concrete samples. The attorneys criticized the repeated demands for core samples, suggesting that previous tests had already shown positive results and emphasized that their clients were property owners, not contractors.

The defense also dismissed reports of irregular reinforcement spacing as errors and called for a thorough investigation into the cause of the building's collapse, noting that surrounding buildings had also fallen during the earthquake.

Courtroom Tensions

Tensions rose in the courtroom after these statements, as the families of the victims accused the defense attorneys of lying. A heated verbal exchange occurred between the families and the attorneys, prompting the presiding judge to order those causing disturbances to leave the courtroom. The hearing was adjourned for one hour, and additional security measures were put in place.

The trial continues, with both sides presenting their cases amidst ongoing tensions.

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