reading time: 1 min.

Arıklı: Number of Registered Vehicles Reaches 436,000

Arıklı: Number of Registered Vehicles Reaches 436,000

Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı revealed that the number of registered vehicles has surged to 436,000, with 3,000 new vehicles being added to traffic every month.

Publish Date: 23/10/24 13:34
reading time: 1 min.
Arıklı: Number of Registered Vehicles Reaches 436,000
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Speaking to Kıbrıs Postası, Arıklı highlighted the strain on roads due to the increasing number of vehicles, which he said is inevitably leading to more accidents.

Arıklı pointed out that speeding, alcohol consumption, and phone use are the top causes of accidents. He also raised concerns about foreign students engaging in dangerous driving and operating as unlicensed taxi drivers, while noting that tourists renting vehicles from abroad tend to drive more cautiously.

The minister also announced that, as per a decision by the Traffic Commission, informational booklets will be distributed in Turkish, English, and Russian to those renting cars upon arriving in the country.

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