reading time: 2 min.

Siber: Parliamentary System in Its 'Most Inefficient' State

Siber: Parliamentary System in Its 'Most Inefficient' State

Former Prime Minister and Speaker of the Parliament Sibel Siber highlighted that the Parliamentary System is currently in its "most inefficient" state.

Publish Date: 23/10/24 13:36
reading time: 2 min.
Siber: Parliamentary System in Its 'Most Inefficient' State
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In an interview with Kıbrıs Postası, Siber expressed concerns that the same inefficiency might befall a potential Presidential System, noting that a constitutional amendment would be required to implement such a system.

"Presidential System for the Long Term, Immediate Improvement of the Current System Needed"

Siber stressed that while the Presidential System could be considered in the long term, immediate steps should be taken to improve the current parliamentary system. She emphasized the need for a technocratic government, suggesting that ministers should not be chosen from among Members of Parliament, or if they are, they should not be allowed to run in the next election.

"A Well-Structured Presidential System is Key"

Recalling a workshop on the Presidential System during her time as Speaker, Siber stressed the importance of a system that maintains the strength of the parliament and enforces the separation of powers. She argued that if the Parliamentary System had been properly structured, the current issues would not exist. Siber emphasized that she does not believe a Presidential System will necessarily "save" the country but that the current structure needs to be improved.

Siber also questioned why the Presidential System, which is desired for allowing ministers to be appointed externally and enabling faster decision-making, has not yet been implemented. She further criticized the recent issues surrounding the Parliament Speaker election, remarking that "ballots that are invalid in MP and Presidential elections are now being deemed valid in the election for Acting President."

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