reading time: 3 min.

Biologists' Association: "Irregularities Are Being Created by the Municipality in İskele"

Biologists' Association: "Irregularities Are Being Created by the Municipality in İskele"

Former President of the Biologists' Association, Hasan Sarpten, highlighted the increasing environmental problems in the İskele (Trigomo) region, stating, "İskele has become a symbol of irregular urban development." Sarpten called on the Mayor of İskele to remove a structure built near a wetland, warning that they will pursue all legal avenues if necessary.

Publish Date: 23/10/24 13:51
reading time: 3 min.
Biologists' Association: "Irregularities Are Being Created by the Municipality in İskele"
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In a written statement on behalf of the Board of Directors, Sarpten emphasized that addressing the rapidly growing environmental issues across the country, and preventing new ones, requires strengthening environmental education, preserving natural habitats, and adhering strictly to constitutional laws that must be continuously developed in favor of nature.

Sarpten criticized local and general administrations for their lack of oversight, claiming that unchecked or insufficient inspections have led to severe environmental damage. He accused many municipalities of failing to meet their legal responsibilities.

He pointed out that irregular construction in the İskele region not only negatively impacts the environment and natural life but also disrupts ecosystems and environmental balance. Sarpten further explained that the chronic issue of unregulated construction and the resulting waste problem is escalating, with deforestation leading to increased urbanization, posing serious threats to the region's natural life.

"İskele, the Symbol of Unregulated Construction in the Country"

Sarpten described İskele as "the symbol of unregulated construction" in the country and criticized the Mayor, warning that if this mindset continues, İskele will become an increasingly unlivable city in the coming years.

According to information obtained from the Environmental Protection Department, Sarpten claimed that warnings to seal many unauthorized structures in the region have been ignored. He alleged that despite the department's negative opinions, concrete was poured near the wetland, creating a permanent structure with the approval of the Municipality.

Sarpten expressed frustration that despite their well-intentioned efforts, the justification for the structure's presence was based on a "project requirement." He added, "After we contacted the Mayor following the Environmental Protection Department's letter, he promised us that the structure would be removed within a month, but no action has been taken, and it seems the issue is being swept under the rug."

Sarpten called on the Mayor to immediately remove the structure from the wetland, warning that they will take legal action if the situation is not resolved promptly.

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