reading time: 1 min.

Arıklı: "Government Withdrawal Requires Serious Consideration"

Arıklı: "Government Withdrawal Requires Serious Consideration"

Re-Birth Party (YDP) leader and Public Works and Transport Minister Erhan Arıklı stressed the importance of carefully evaluating the potential decision to withdraw from the government, emphasizing its implications for both the party and the country.

Publish Date: 06/01/25 11:48
reading time: 1 min.
Arıklı: "Government Withdrawal Requires Serious Consideration"
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Arıklı highlighted the achievements of his party while in government, including major infrastructure projects and technological advancements, and underscored the goal of maintaining governmental stability until 2027.

With the 2025 presidential elections approaching, Arıklı called for thorough deliberation, stating that any decision must account for its broader consequences. The Expanded Party Assembly's recommendation on the matter will be discussed further in the upcoming Party Assembly meeting.

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