reading time: 3 min.

Suspected Fraudster Involved in "1 Million Euro to Close Case" Scheme Granted Bail

Suspected Fraudster Involved in "1 Million Euro to Close Case" Scheme Granted Bail

Doğan Alas, the suspect arrested in connection with an alleged scheme where he was accused of demanding 200,000 dollars in exchange for changing a person's bail conditions and closing their case, has been granted bail at the Kyrenia District Court. The scheme is linked to the larger case known to the public as "Pay 1 Million Euro, and I’ll Close Your Case."

Publish Date: 24/02/25 16:00
reading time: 3 min.
Suspected Fraudster Involved in "1 Million Euro to Close Case" Scheme Granted Bail
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The investigation officer from the Financial Crimes Unit presented the facts in court. Police confirmed that Doğan Alas is charged with serious crimes, including "Conspiracy to Commit a Serious Offense," "Incitement to Commit a Crime," "Fraudulent Acquisition of Money," and "Obstructing the Course of Justice."

The investigation began following a complaint on January 28, 2024, which led to the suspect's arrest. It was revealed that in a prior court hearing, Alas was accused of demanding 200,000 dollars in exchange for assisting with the modification of a bail condition and the closure of a legal case. Additionally, it was discovered that he had requested 3 million TL from two individuals in 2020 under similar circumstances.

The police also mentioned that Alas has been connected to 9 other similar cases, which are still under investigation. The suspect reportedly responded to questions by claiming, "I didn’t ask for money; I was speaking for help." Approximately 20 statements were collected during the investigation, and although the inquiry is ongoing, it was noted that the part where the suspect could influence the investigation has been completed.

Police further stated that the suspect had provided the password for his previously locked phone, aiding in the investigation, and requested that he be released on bail conditions deemed appropriate by the court.

Judge Evren Mürsel, after evaluating the testimony presented, ordered that the suspect be banned from leaving the country to ensure his presence at trial. Additionally, the following bail conditions were imposed: the suspect must report to the nearest police station once a week, provide a cash deposit of 20,000 TL, and have two valid guarantors from the TRNC who will sign a 2 million TL bail bond. The suspect must also sign a personal 2 million TL bail bond, and he will be tried without detention under these conditions.

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