Four Injured in Kumyalı-Iskele Main Road Collision

A traffic accident involving three vehicles on the Kumyalı-Iskele main road resulted in four injuries. The injured individuals were taken to Gazimağusa State Hospital for treatment.

According to the Police Press Office, the accident occurred at around 10:00 AM today on the Kumyalı-Iskele main road.
Mehmet Şahin Ayağ, 22, was driving his vehicle (GT 774) from Karpaz towards İskele when he collided with the rear of a vehicle, driven by 35-year-old Hüseyin Kaptanlıgil (MA 267), who had stopped at the Mehmetçik Junction to wait for oncoming traffic before turning right.
The impact caused Ayağ's vehicle to swerve uncontrollably and collide with a vehicle coming from the opposite direction, driven by 29-year-old Rustam Jumayev (UV 921).
Ayağ, Kaptanlıgil, and two passengers in Kaptanlıgil's vehicle, 35-year-old Mehmet Demiryürek and 42-year-old Mehmet Yastı, were transported to Gazimağusa State Hospital for treatment. They are currently under observation.
Police continue to investigate the incident.
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