reading time: 2 min.

UN Announces Informal Program for Cyprus Summit in Geneva

UN Announces Informal Program for Cyprus Summit in Geneva

The United Nations (UN) has released the unofficial program for next week's informal summit on the Cyprus issue, set to take place in Geneva, Switzerland.

Publish Date: 10/03/25 13:05
reading time: 2 min.
UN Announces Informal Program for Cyprus Summit in Geneva
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The meeting, scheduled for March 17-18, will bring together the two sides in Cyprus, as well as the island’s three guarantor powers—Greece, Turkey, and the United Kingdom—along with UN representatives to discuss the ongoing Cyprus issue.

The summit will commence on Monday at 19:00 local time (18:00 Cyprus time) with a dinner at Geneva’s Intercontinental Hotel. Leaders will be accompanied by one representative each, and a photo opportunity with UN Secretary-General António Guterres will take place before the dinner.

The menu at the hotel’s Le Woods restaurant will feature black Angus filet steak, roasted veal, mushroom purée, onion soubise, and potato cappuccino, priced at 52 Swiss francs (€55).

On Tuesday, the program will continue at 09:00 with a series of bilateral meetings between Guterres and each delegation at the Intercontinental Hotel. At 11:30, the summit will proceed with an expanded meeting at the Palais des Nations, the UN headquarters in Geneva. Each delegation has been asked to limit its team to six participants.

The UN has emphasized the importance of including a significant number of women in the delegations. The summit is expected to conclude at 14:30, followed by an official statement.

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